The Blue One

November 19, 2009 § 3 Comments

You know what the trouble with being the all-knowing God types is? No. Obviously you don’t, you are not all-knowing or a God. Well, I am and I know the trouble with it too. And I will tell you about it. The trouble is that you know EVERYTHING.

Why stuff happened. Why stuff will happen. What has to be done etc. etc. So much performance pressure, you know. Being on earth and guiding these mortals to do what has been written in their fates by the almighty himself. Terribly hard I tell you. Let me give you an example. Draupadi’s vastra-haran? Yes. That infamous incident. Well, I knew that the vastra-haran would happen, and I knew that I had to appear to save Draupadi. I even knew of the time, down to the exact second. But you know what happened? Late night drinking session with Balarama. I overslept. Almost didn’t make it to save her. Never will I drink with Balarama again. He must totally quit drinking.

The worst thing about this assignment for me? It has to be the treachery and all the double dealings. I mean, the Pandavas, for all their perfections, are not all that bright. Manipulating them(and it has been really easy at that) to achieve some of my own goals feels bad. But that is how it is. If not me, it will be someone else. I console myself saying that it is necessary for the triumph of good over evil.

Weird concept that, isn’t it? Good and Evil. I mean who is to say that the Pandavas are the ‘Good’ guys and the Kauravas ‘Evil’? Who decides that? If you give a good ear to what the Kauravas have to say, maybe you will find that they believe that they are on the side of good, not the Pandavas. It’s all perception. History will perceive that the Pandavas were the good guys, not the Kauravas. That reminds me, I’ve got to pay off those balladeers to sing and write down some highly imaginative stories about the Pandavas’ righteousness. History has to be made, and it is always on the side of those who control what gets written.

The Girls? (Smiles) The reports are highly exaggerated, I tell you. Handling two of them has been a problem for me, and people have been quoting my liaisons to be in the thousands. Though I do notice that most of the girls seem to get woozy headed around me. I do a quick check of the armpits when that happens(laughs). Seriously though, it’s just the two. And even then, I’d rather have that there’d be only one. Radha is the one I love, but Rukmini is the one I’m supposed to love, being married to her and all that. You see, even us God types have our problems while dealing with the matters of the heart. (Smirks)

Maybe the next project I get will be a better one. But I’ll have to finish this one with good ratings for that. And get a good appraisal from HIM. There are a lot of these one project wonders and I don’t want to be one of them. These Gods get one temple in some far off regional corner with a limited set of worshippers. No pan-religion following for them really. But I have grand plans. Pan-religion following, a chain of temples, universal name acknowledgement. From one corner of the globe to another. And for that to happen, I shouldn’t be sitting idle like this and chatting away. I’ve work to do and I’ve got to get it done. Will be seeing ya then.

And even if we do not meet, I’m sure that you’ll be hearing a lot more of me.

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