The zipper effect

February 6, 2008 § 7 Comments

There is a Crosswords bookstore right across the road from my office, which is a total of 5 minutes from where I live. For a book fiend like me, that is temptation. Sort of like honey to a bee or beer to Homer Simpson. So I go there almost every other week and end up buying something or the other. And I had to buy something last week too. Had planned to go actually. But somehow, I fell asleep and on waking up realised that I had very little time to go and get the book. So I dressed hurriedly and as quickly as I could, reached the store.

It was then something strange that happened. I was browsing the sci-fic section when suddenly, a girl approaches me, smiling. A girl, trendily dressed and intelligent, by the looks of it(she was wearing spects and had a book on philosophy in her hand, intellectual book + spects = intelligent girl). Now, a hundred thoughts raced through my mind, as I tried to put on my best half quizzical, half amused smile. Thoughts which were more on the lines of  “this isn’t supposed to happen”, “serial killer, run!!”, “do I know her?”, “what in the name of satan is she smiling at?” and more importantly, ” is there someone standing behind me that she bestows the smile on?”. Apparently not. I even turned around and checked. Hmm. As I pondered on whether to move to another section, she comes and stand in front of me and points towards my zipper, giggles and says “You zipper is open”. And giggles some more.

And as I stood there, waiting for the earth to swallow me, I could only mutter a “Er, thanks” and zip up.

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§ 7 Responses to The zipper effect

  • bookbabie says:

    One of my grandmother’s favorite sayings was, “Live in hope, die in despair.” Not particularly inspirational, but fitting here:)

  • jonsquared says:

    Oh, man…I hate when that happens! Thanks for sharing this story. It seems that you’ve been able to laugh about it now, although I’m certain laughter was the least likely of your available reactions at that moment. Cheers!

  • Cliff Burns says:

    And it happened in the sci fi section? Great, now she’ll think all of us geeks wander around like that. Next time, whip out a notebook, make a check and say: “Congratulations, you’re ahead of the curve. Most people take well over 5.3 minutes to notice!” and walk away mumbling to yourself about needing to accumulate more data…

  • Purnima says:

    Tsk tsk tsk! (could also be read as ha ha ha!) Must say you have the guts to pen this down.

  • Lol @ the way you described the hundred thoughts. Isn’t it amazing how so many thoughts can flit through our brain in such a short time? Good one. 🙂

  • mithunkotian says:

    well, the hope here is that this won’t happen again 😛

    ya, there is nothing to do but laugh at it and check the zip next time I am there (or anywhere for that matter!)

    If she saw me as a clumsy idiot(which i am!), she didn’t show it. Infact we talked about some books afterwards, but I’ll remember your tip, might be useful

    I is very brave 😛

    @Bhel Puri & Seekh Kabab
    thanks. Thats the problem with the brain, isn’t it? so much thinking and so little action!

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